Lateral Hip and Thigh
The body chart here highlights the course of the iliotibial band (ITB). It is a dense band of fibrous tissue running from the pelvis to the outer edge of the knee. Patients may commonly assume that pain in the lateral aspect of the hip and leg is caused by the iliotibial band. Occasionally it can be, however ITB pain is more commonly experienced over the outside of the knee. It can even be mistaken for a knee injury. It occurs because the fibrous band has repetitively rolled over the bony prominence at the end of your thigh bone and become irritated. Lateral hip pain is more usually caused by inflammation and irritation of other structures.
Your physiotherapist will be expert at assessing you biomechanically to establish the cause of your symptoms and then plan a treatment and rehabilitation programme specific to your needs, lifestyle and personal goals. Sometimes it is appropriate to refer to other medical professionals if, for example, scans, injections or review by a consultant orthopaedic surgeon is indicated.
Examples of Conditions Treated
Trochanteric Bursitis
A bursa is a fluid filled sac found in areas of the body where tissue needs to glide over bone. It acts as a friction reducing cushion between tissues. If the bursa becomes inflamed, either through trauma, infection, overload or injury, a patient will perceive pain. There is a bony prominence on the outside of your thigh bone called the greater trochanter. It is the attachment for many powerful muscles that cross the hip joint. Trochanteric bursitis causes pain and irritation over the greater trochanter sometimes radiating down the outside of the leg
Gluteus Medius Tendonitis
The gluteus medius muscle starts on the pelvis and has a tendon attachment to the greater trochanter, the bony bump on the outer edge of your thigh bone just below your hip. Tendonitis or tears of the gluteus medius can occur after injury or when your biomechanics stress the muscle resulting long-term wear and tear. These tears generally cause pain and weakness on the outside of the hip (not the groin).